
Cam's New Shoes

It's no secret that I'm awful at blogging, but I decided I'd hurry and post something to start the new year off right. I'm home from work with the flu, so I have time to kill! I think this picture is hilarious! Last Thursday we had a party at my parent's house because my Uncle Scott and my cousin Josh were visiting from Maryland. Josh is starting college at BYU-Idaho, and so they stopped by for a few days to visit us before Josh had to head off to school. Anyway, Ethan and Braxton sat on Cam's feet and he just kept walking around. The boys thought it was hilarious! Then on Friday night we had a sleep over at the Chidester's house. We played my new game Quelf (which is totally random) and here are a few of my favorite cards that were in play: Julie had to pretend to be a documentary filmmaker anytime anyone rolled a four, and she had to make a documentary of their turn. When two players landed on the same space they had to "draw" and yell, "This town 'aint big enough for the both of us!" If a phone or the doorbell rang we all had to stand up and yell, "Pizza Party," which doesn't seem especially funny, but it was! Cam and I had to race to make cobras out of paper, and Mike and Julie were the judges. When Cam saw mine he sadly said, "Oh, Jenny's is better." After that we watched a movie and in the morning the boys played playstation (the second picture, they were so funny to watch!) while Juls and I made breakfast. Then we ran down to my parent's house because Stac chopped by hair! I've been wanting to cut it for a while, and Cam helped convince me to cut it by rattling off all these economic principles about why I wasn't enjoying long hair. I love that guy!!! Then we hurried home for a bit and then went to dinner with the Nielsen Family. It was Brandon's birthday on Sunday and so we all went to dinner to celebrate. We went to Mimi's Cafe. Cam and I ate there right after we got married, and it was awful, so we'd never been back, but it was actually quite good! Then we went back to Nielsen's for cake and ice cream, and Faye busted out some home movies, which were hysterical! Cam and I are so lucky to have such awesome families! I'm so grateful for all of them, and I'm grateful that we get to see them often!


Stacy said...

That game sounds so fun! I love the pizza party, and draw rules the best! The only thing missing is a before and after of your hair. You should post pictures!!!