
Here goes nothin'...

Well, I finally caved. Cam helped me set up this blog today. I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it yet. Don't get me wrong, I like reading other people's blogs, I'm just not sure how it will be to have my own blog. Oh well, what do you do? Cam took his first official business trip this week. It was kind of weird. I was planning on getting a lot of things done (like some much needed cleaning), but of course, I didn't. I was e-mailing my sister while I was at work, and she mentioned that my brother-in-law was also going to be out of town and asked if I wanted to sleep over. We had a lot of fun! We started watching the movie "Stranger Than Fiction," but then we had to go to sleep (sometimes working bites) and we didn't get far enough into the movie for me not to think it's insane. But my sister really likes it, so I guess I'll have to give it another chance. Cam and I are going to the U game tomorrow. I am pretty excited about it. I love going to the games, but I know that they're going to lose tomorrow. Oh well. At least we'll get to listen to the people around us taunt the opposing team's bench a little. That's always worth a laugh.


Cam said...

That guy in the picture with you is extremely attractive. Sweet blog. Now I can finally monitor you when you're not around...

Stacy said...

Way to go!! I love it!! How did you like the movie? I think the guy in the picture with you rocks too!

Nate Page said...

Yes, very attractive.

Jen said...

Hey Cam I have to agree, if he wasn't already taken, and me for that matter, well.........Jenny great job on the blog. I need to learn how to do that someday. My only problem is I have 3 little people who love to push buttons on the computer and it can really get screwed up!