Well, Cam sabotaged my attempt to take away the bragging rights. He checked my blog while he was at work and then made another post on his. I have nothing to write about. This is terrible. But I must win. Hmmm.... Well, one year ago today, Cam and I were in Taiwan! That was such a fun trip! I am so glad that we got the opportunity to go! I think my favorite city was Er Lin. It was so beautiful! There are a lot of open rice fields there, and it is just a quaint little town. I also loved hanging out with some of the members that Cam knew. On New Year's Eve last year, we went to dinner with some of the members who were in the Xi Hu ward. They were hilarious! We had such a fun time with them. They drove into Tai Chung and surprised us, so we all went to dinner. Here are some of the things that made me laugh during our trip to Taiwan (these will probably only make sense to Cam, but since this post is mostly for him anyway, I figure that's okay): the smiley mints, hi-chews, the blue truck, the van Gogh park, pizza hut, strawberry milk with zhen zhu, the night market, karaoke, making the kids laugh at Sun Moon Lake (the ones playing in the box), sneaking through the forest to touch the water at Sun Moon Lake, the English radio station, the crazy Vietnamese who scared me really bad, dan bings, the gummy bear drink, the guy at the Tai Bei airport that had headphones on and didn't realize that he was yelling at everyone, "Hi, how a you...", the totally inappropriate comments from the old couple in San Ye, "We are family," Kobe, and the video diary. There are so many other things I loved about our trip, but these are the things that make me laugh the most! Hey Cam, we're tied now!
Oh, I don't think so Cam!
Posted by Jenny at 4:43 PM 0 comments
I will not be outdone!
Yesterday Cam was bragging about how he has posted two things to his blog in December. I decided that I won't be outdone that easily. So, here I am, and my sole purpose in creating this post is so that Cam will stop bragging! : ) We were actually laughing about it yesterday because we are terrible at this thing called blogging. Two posts in one month really isn't good. I am waiting to get some prescriptions filled, so I thought I'd take advantage of this opportunity and tie Cam's record. I officially have bronchitis. And all those blood sugar issues (which only a handful of you know about, sorry to those who don't) are okay too. The doctor told me a whole slew of things that the symptoms could be (I shake sometimes), and some of them were pretty serious, so we decided not to tell people until we really knew what was going on. So, nothing is going on! The doctor said he believes that they are benign tremors. If I can make it to age 30 without any of the other symptoms showing up, then I'll be good to go. But we're not home free yet, seeing as how I'm only 22! So, I guess I only have to worry for eight more years! I'm not really worried about it, and he said we could just do the testing if I was, but it's SUPER expensive, and I don't have any of the other symptoms of the more serious issues, so we're just going to call it benign tremors for now, and cross our fingers until I turn 30! I think I might be the first person in the history of the world who will actually be excited to turn 30! At least for now I can be done with all the testing (which wasn't very fun), which is super good news! So yeah, this is a totally random and rambling post, but at least I've taken away Cam's bragging rights! : )
Posted by Jenny at 10:42 AM 1 comments
My husband is the BEST... and so is my Cricut!
Well, I just busted out my Cricut for the first time, and it is fabulous! Cam mentioned my acquisition of said Cricut on his blog, but he didn't really tell the whole story. My super cute sister Stacy called me the week before Thanksgiving to tell me about this killer sale that Robert's Crafts was having on something called a Cricut. I had never even heard of a Cricut, but started looking into it because of my sister's interest in it. I thought it looked pretty cool, and decided that I would brave the crowds on Black Friday so that I could get a Cricut. The plan was to meet at Robert's in Clinton (she lives in Clinton) at 4:30 a.m. on Friday so that we could be sure to get a good spot in line (they opened at 7:00 a.m.). Well, I ended up getting really sick the week of Thanksgiving. When we were driving home on Thursday night Cam told me that he really didn't want me to go and stand out in the cold for so long the next day. I was kind of bummed but agreed completely. Then, out of nowhere Cam said, "If you want me to, I could go tomorrow and get it for you." Isn't he great?! So he ended up getting to Robert's at 4:15 a.m., and was the first person in line! It's pretty obvious...I officially have the best husband in the entire world! So, I used the Cricut today to make some cards, and then I made a tile for a new family tradition that we will be starting in 2008. We're weird, but we decided that we want to have a lot of fun family traditions. We were talking about things that we would like to do, and Cam told me about something his family did once when he was younger. I guess that they wrote down funny things that people had said on slips of paper and then put those slips in a can. At the end of the year they opened the can and read through all the funny things. Cam said he doesn't remember it really well, but he remembers thinking that it was such a fun thing to do. Needless to say, I LOVED that idea. So, I bought a cute little pot to serve in place of the can, and then found a quote that I wanted to put next to it. I don't know if you can really see it well in the picture, but it is a quote by President Hinckley that says, "In all of living, have much fun and laughter. Life is to be enjoyed; not just endured!" I used my Cricut to cut out the vinyl, and it was so easy! I am a huge fan!Moving on, we have had an awesome holiday season! We did a lot of fun things, and thoroughly enjoyed our first Christmas without the stress of school! I don't think that it will ever get old to be done with school. We went to Temple Square to see the lights, slept in our family room under the Christmas tree, had a blast at the Wright family Christmas party, enjoyed "the bar" at the Nielsen's, got to visit Grandpa Fuhriman, and just hung out with our family on Christmas! I made a big Christmas Eve dinner this year, and we invited my parents over to enjoy it with us. I got home from work at about 3:00, and spent the rest of the day cooking. I never realized how much work was involved with that delicious Christmas Eve dinner that my Mom made every year. I thought it was really fun though, and I think it turned out pretty good for a first attempt!
Posted by Jenny at 6:08 PM 1 comments